Friday, April 17, 2020

The World (@World) | Twitter

Leadership Reflections on the Global COVID-19 Disruption

After sitting in quasi-isolation for the past month and observing, praying, and listening to the insights of other leaders by Zoom webinars and podcasts, here are some summary reflections:

1.  World Reorder -- The world will not be the same on the other side of the COVID-19 pandemic.  A few weeks ago I thought this was a "bump in the road" and things will return to "normal" in a couple months (it was really more about what I hoped would be).  Upon deeper reflection, it is clear to me that the different ways communities, states, and nations respond to this health crisis will leave the world in a different order.  Local and national economies will be impacted in unique ways.  What this all will look like is unknown at this point, but things will change.

2. God's Interruption -- Crises cause us to respond, adapt, innovate, and create new normals.  The mechanics and praxis of how we "do church" is under radical redefinition.  The church is, of course, really the people.  How God's people live into God's mission within a new set of constraints quickly shows us what is important and what has been superfluous.  The all-importance of the weekend event seems to be fading into the background while training leaders and resourcing people to care for one another and live Christ's mission on the street is coming into the foreground.  It appears that God is shuffling our strategies.

3. High and Low Tech -- When the Apostle Paul couldn't be with a particular group of churches in person, he resorted to technology: he wrote a letter!  Church leaders have been innovating with sharing the Message of the Gospel for generations.  Together is better...but internet tools are helpful ways to communicate and stay connected.

4. Turning Points -- Turning points are major inflection points in our lives where the trajectory of our lives takes a major pivot.  We go in a new direction.  Often surrounding turning points is a fair amount of pain and disruption.  They are also places where God does some of His deepest work in our lives. The world and the church are at an inflection point.  During this season of crisis, let God take you deeper.  Listen, pray, learn the lessons.  Then step up boldly!  The world needs godly leaders to make an important impact at this strategic time in world history.
