
The overall intention of this website is to provide you with updates from Pastor Kirk as he helps other pastors, churches, and church leaders develop their skills in order to grow their own churches into missional fulfillments of God's will and His Great Commission.

Go into all the world and preach the Gospel, baptizing them in the name of the Father, Son, and the Holly Spirit, and I am with you always, to the very end of the age - Matthew

Pastor Kirk received his DMin from Fuller Seminary and emphasizes the spiritual leader's requirement to not only finish what they started, but to defeat the challenges along the way by utilizing the power of the Holy Spirit.  

Word.  Deed.  Power.  


"There is something profoundly significant about your staff. I have been with many of you over the years and I consistently find you to be spiritually deep and uniquely gifted. There is profound weight to the holistic way you live and lead. I have never detected arrogance but instead find your staff to be humble and gracious. I am amazed at the way you all lavish yourselves on pastors and churches.
Pastor in California

This training has provided vision to the cloudy and hope to a church in despair. It inspires me to live beyond the bounds of my own comfort zone.
Ricky, Pastor

I have been active in highly intentional and purposeful pastoral ministry for over 20 years. I have been blessed with a strong sense of care, a good support network, and some of the best kinds of professional development training available today. Having just attended training, I have never felt more focused, confirmed in care, encouraged and empowered for next steps, than I am today.
Sam, Interim Pastor

I certainly felt great peace and God’s Spirit as I sat through each presentation. Even before the conference began, I sensed God’s peace upon me. I plan on bringing Awaken and Activate to my church leaders and ultimately to my church.
Mitch, Pastor

I leave with a valuable tool that I am convinced makes me a better pastor. I thank God for the process.
Jim, Pastor in Ohio

I serve small membership churches that struggle to be vital and missional. The challenge to become missional leaders comes out clearly. Both the content and the heart of the presenters conveys life and hope. We are grateful.
Herb, Pastor in South Carolina

San Jose, Costa Rica, was an amazing time of discovery. “I was one who saw the church in a box, and did not understand, how the church of today fits into the scriptures. I finally feel good. Most of the doubts disappeared this morning”.
Pastor in Costa Rica

This is an experience that will make a long lasting impact on my ministry and my life. Thank you from the bottom of my heart.
Tim, Church Planter, CO

CRM has some life changing, church changing, and world changing resources. The reFocusing leaders training, the printed resources, and event resources have been paired up with the human resources and the divine resources of the Holy Spirit. How I have been personally blessed! The week has given me inspiration & tools to assist God in changing other people in ways they will love too.
Steve, Pastor

The need is huge among our churches to experience revitalization. Our leaders are in need of renewal. The missional focus of most of our churches is non-existent. This workshop addresses such issues!
Lex, Denominational leader in GA

God opened the door for me to come and experience reFocusing training which is hands down the BEST leadership tool I’ve ever been exposed to in my life. The wisdom, patience, expertise and Christian love the staff displays speaks volumes of the work God is doing with and through them. I recommend this ministry.
Ed, Pastor in Texas

Having completed the training, my life has been deeply impacted for spiritual intentionality. The staff helped me drill down into my life and asked me to be honest and clear about my ministry purpose. They are non-threatening, supportive, inspiring, and personable. This is the single most effective ministry tool for kingdom growth in my 36 years of ministry.
Bruce, Pastor in Colorado

Since you came into our lives with reFocusing, a lot of things changed, suddenly, our congregation started to grow with non-believers. You wouldn’t believe me, but we have grown now by almost 20%, most of which were non-Believers. I praise the Lord for what happened. Since we started to change the Church to a missional movement – there was movement. I am visiting new members like mad at the moment.
Pastor in South Africa

“Kingdom Amped”, D-Churched and God-Forward! Perhaps that’s my best description for what the Awaken and Activate workshop did for me. The feeling of excitement that now lives inside me can hardly be explained as a result of my attending Awaken and Activate in July 2013.
Those three very special days, were powerful. The time spent in the presence of like-minded brothers and sisters in Christ who were also there to seek to become more like Him, was unlike any other experience I have had. The shared workshop experiences and the powerful presentations from leaders who were themselves living on mission, was like “drinking deeply” from a fountain of great supply that quenched my thirst. What a refreshing and powerful stop along life’s winding pathway.
A significant part of the workshop was the time spent in small groups listening to and affirming bothers as they began unfolding and solidifying their own personal callings for living their life daily on mission and in community. One impactful part of this seminar was the time spent in prayer for each individual person to begin to move forward in making the desires of their heart become a living reality. A most meaningful exercise was the personal life review.
The conference is life-giving and helps us to remember our focus and our purpose in life; the very impetus for our design was for the Glory of God. We live to spread the gospel; to live a life that reflects Christ and extend grace to those among whom we live and across the nations.
The sustainability for staying on our personal life mission is sealed with a covenant relationship established with a team member who participated in workshop with you. It really doesn’t get any better! This is a journey every Christian should endeavor to take. My thinking has been transformed in how I view church, programs and activities. I am committed to living my life on mission and leaving the legacy of keeping my focus God-Forward!"

Jacqueline, Minister in VA