Tuesday, March 8, 2016

Welcome & Contact Info

Dear Friends (and New Friends),

Welcome to my website!

This will be a place to reflect together on the church, spiritual leadership, and the habits and practices that will help one go the distance and finish well.  I have a heart for leaders in the church.  

As a pastor for over 20 years, I know the joys and bumps along the pastoral journey.  

I know the thrill of effective servant-leadership.  And I know the despair and toxic emotional soup that comes with near burn-out.

All along, I have seen God demonstrate His unshakable faithfulness.

Some of the questions we will explore:

  • What will it take for us to love God, walk with Jesus, and minister more in the Spirit?
  • How do we grow into generous, loving, and servant-oriented leadership over time? 
  • What is Jesus' mission in the world?
  • How do we minister effectively in this rapidly changing world?
  • How do we grow in our leadership for effective ministry?
  • How do we think about and use money and resources for ministry? 
These are important questions. And I'm sure others will surface along the way.  

So let's explore together!  Welcome to a leadership journey.

Please remember to bookmark this page and submit your email to the mailing list on the upper right of this page - it's a great way to connect and stay in touch.   

- Kirk  

Contact me anytime:  Kirk@KirkMackie.com

About me:

I love the Church.  In pastoral roles that span 22 years, my experience leading, coaching, empowering, and consulting results in people coming to faith and changing their culture.  I'm passionate about developing godly leaders around the world.  Leaders emerge clear about their character and unique calling.  

My Doctor of Ministry project for Fuller Seminary integrates leadership development, spiritual formation, and how the Church lives on mission.  Currently, I am a part of the reFocusing Team at CRM.  My wife Robin and I call Fullerton, California home.